Content on your site is still king! A major quality factor of your site will be judged by what is provided to your target customer group. When you write the original or the next content for your site, ask yourself:
Am I contributing to the knowledge base or the experience of those who visit our site?
Am I contributing new knowledge?
Am I contributing a new perspective on older knowledge?
Am I providing something that is now or could be useful to the person who is looking at my site right now?
If you are, then you are providing the user experience (UX) that will improve the chance that those who view your site will return.
Many years ago, I worked in the franchise specialty food retail industry. We had great traffic in some major malls across the mid and western United States. One of the guiding principles was “Did the customer enjoy their visit to our store?”. If they did, then we knew they would be back to shop – even if they did not buy anything on this trip.
The internet is the new “mall”. Are you providing something of value to your customers?